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How do I migrate my website to HubSpot?

⚠️ Note that this post hasn't been updated for at least a year and the information may be outdated, proceed with caution! (Last updated: January 29, 2020)

Thinking of a migration to the HubSpot CMS? There are a few approaches you can take.

Migrating your website as is

If you're migrating your website exactly as it is, I'd recommend talking directly to HubSpot about their template setup as it's a quick and affordable way to migrate the bulk of your website over to the HubSpot CMS.

Migrating your website with some changes

If you're migrating it as is but would like some small changes, I'd also recommend starting off with HubSpot's template setup and then hiring a freelancer or agency to help you with those changes. Having HubSpot do the bulk of the work will often reduce time and costs. 

Redesigning your website on HubSpot

If you're looking for a complete website redesign on the HubSpot CMS, you will need to enlist the help of a freelancer or agency as HubSpot will not take on redesigns or change requests in their migration process. 

Make sure that the freelancer or agency you hire is familiar with HubSpot. It's takes some familiarity with the tools to ensure that you can then drag-and-drop modules into the template and easily update them and so that your new website ties in with the rest of your HubSpot tools and marketing strategy.

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